
We work closely with commissioners to inform them of our offer and to understand the needs of the students they wish to refer. We recognise that finding the right provision for vulnerable children is critical so we make our referral process sensitive and simple. Admission to Bow Street is a 3 stage process;

Stage 1.Initial referral from commissioner
Stage 2.School based assessment visit
Stage 3.Transition into school

Stage 1. Initial referral

In the first instance we welcome new referrers to visit and meet with us to understand our approach. Commissioners are asked to complete a referral form for students to ensure we have all of the information we need to consider when placing a child. We work with commissioners to ensure that decisions on offering an assessment visit are based on complete, accurate and reliable information.

Stage 2. School based assessment visit

Parents/carers are invited to visit Bow Street, meet with a senior member of staff or the Headteacher and take a look around. These visits allow parents to ask questions, share any concerns and to understand our approach.

Stage 3. Transition into school

Following a successful assessment visit all pupils have a tailored transition into school, see 'How does induction work for students?'

All referrals are considered by the Headteacher and admission decisions are made based on;

  • Outcomes from school based assessment visits
  • Pupil numbers/available spaces
  • Needs of referred student and current cohort
  • Expertise of staff
  • Resources available

Admission decisions are then shared with commissioners in an offer letter. The letter will outline that the referral has been accepted, detailing financial requirements, the support to be offered, a start date and the date by which the offer should be accepted and the address to which to respond. When offer letters are sent, if the commissioner fails to accept the place by the due date, it will be assumed that commissioner no longer wants the place and the offer will be withdrawn.

In the event that the school receive more referrals than we have places we will prioritise the most vulnerable learners. Students with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education Health Care Plan naming Bow Street, will always be admitted before others. Next, priority will be given to referrals for students who are or were previously looked after by a Local Authority (as defined by the Children Act 1989). We operate a waiting list for those students who have been identified to take up placements in year 9.

The Bow Street 10-Point Pledge

We aim to ensure that:

  1. Everyone is treated with respect, kindness and understanding.
  2. No-one is disadvantaged educationally.
  3. All young people are encouraged to achieve and feel confident in their abilities.
  4. Young people have constant encouragement and know they have the ability to succeed according to their abilities.
  5. Students are encouraged to persevere and to know how to cope positively with both success and failure.
  6. We provide education without fear or anxiety in a well-structured environment, with clear rules and boundaries in place.
  7. Young people feel sufficiently confident to question and discover, explore and investigate, reflect and understand all areas of their education.
  8. All young people have their needs met as part of a continuous educational process.
  9. Recognise and meet the individual needs and potential of every pupil, in all aspects of learning, through a professional and caring approach.
  10. Our education is tailored to meet each individual’s needs.
Address. Bow Street, Bilston, WV14 7NB
Tel No. 01902 494 639 / 07904 217 207