Bow Street School is an Independent Special School in Bilston providing a service to Wolverhampton and West Midlands Local Authorities. Bow Street school provides education for pupils between 13- 16 years of age. The school is currently rated as ‘Outstanding’ by OFSTED.
Bow Street School has made a positive difference to young people since it was founded in 2013. We specialise in supporting pupils with Education and Health Care plans; pupils with SEMH and those young people who may have become disengaged from education. We have a dedicated and experienced staff team who are passionate about making a difference to young people’s lives. We believe that we are a school of opportunity and have an expectation that every pupil is treated equally and feels safe and secure.
Bow Street School offers a rich and varied curriculum. The curriculum is adapted and differentiated to meet the bespoke needs of an individual child. With the right support our pupils go on to achieve academic success whether that be GCSE’s or equivalent qualifications such as Functional Skills qualifications.
We work in close partnership with parents and key professional organisations such as SENSTART and RELATE. Our school also works with Educational Psychologists, School Nurses , Children and Young People’s Services as well as the School Careers Advisor which as a whole, demonstrates a holistic and robust approach to the needs of our pupils. Bow Street aims to provide a quality service to all who pass through its doors.

Bow Street School offers a rich and varied curriculum. The curriculum is adapted and differentiated to meet the bespoke needs of an individual child.
The Bow Street 10-Point Pledge
We aim to ensure that:
- Everyone is treated with respect, kindness and understanding.
- No-one is disadvantaged educationally.
- All young people are encouraged to achieve and feel confident in their abilities.
- Young people have constant encouragement and know they have the ability to succeed according to their abilities.
- Students are encouraged to persevere and to know how to cope positively with both success and failure.
- We provide education without fear or anxiety in a well-structured environment, with clear rules and boundaries in place.
- Young people feel sufficiently confident to question and discover, explore and investigate, reflect and understand all areas of their education.
- All young people have their needs met as part of a continuous educational process.
- Recognise and meet the individual needs and potential of every pupil, in all aspects of learning, through a professional and caring approach.
- Our education is tailored to meet each individual’s needs.